When you think it is time to involve software solutions in your business, it is essential to know what the main differences are between custom and commercial software. Commercial software is a one size that fits all software solution and can be purchased. Custom applications are created by a custom software development company that specializes in custom-made software solutions. These software are made to order and not resold to other companies.

Pros of Commercial Software:

It saves time. The commercial software is always ready to use and your employees or staff might already know how everything works.

The developers have gained reputation. Some commercial software have been in the market for years so the developers have gained good reputation and people trust the positive reputation.

You can always have a demo for commercial software. In the case of commercial software you can always have a demo form free services to paid services and can decide to use that solution for your business.

Sometimes this solution can offer you a right pack of services. Even if you have a limited budget, you can always choose the solution with the pack of right services.

Pros of Custom Software:

You get what you need for your business. Any custom software is built to address the exact needs of your business. It offers you only what you want and need and meets the particular requirements.

Every cent that you send will give back something useful to your business. Fortunately if you choose the right vendor, you may get the best value of your money.

Modifiable, scalable and flexible. You can always demand any modification in your software from the developer. If you want to add extra staff or you plan to expand, you will have the tools to do it with no pain. Flexible software easily adapts user requirements.

It provides you more security. The safety of your business is our first priority because every developer wants a long term relationship with their clients. A custom software developer particularly pays attention to the security issues.

Cons of Commercial Software:

It is difficult to customize. The commercial software cannot be customized according to your needs and it might be the biggest disadvantage of commercial software.

You may pay for the features you will never use. The commercial software is developed for a large number of users so it may have a number of non-using features for you will be paying.

No multiplatform programs. If you want to use the commercial software for different platforms, you need to buy it for different platforms.

Cons of Custom Software:

It can take longer time to execute. It can be difficult to finalize the exact requirement of your software in one go. It can be a time consuming process.

Higher costs. The cost can fluctuate with the demands of experienced developers, designers, managers, QA engineers but the benefits will override the costs.


Custom software offers you  higher revenues. It might involve a higher investment in terms of money and time but it is easier to use. Commercial software is a cost-effective solution which is used by many people. So, it is essential for you to evaluate the pros and cons before coming to any conclusion.

We can create commercial software and sell them to as many business holders as we want but Acropolis works on efficient and goal oriented software. We analyze the needs and goals of your business and works in the same direction.

If you need any custom software solutions, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] or you can call us at +1 716 393 8486. We are also approachable over Whatsapp at +91 9999 8765 94. If you wish to connect with us over Skype, our Skype ID is ‘acropolis.infotech’.