In this highly competitive virtual era who doesn’t want the best for the growth of their business online and for the best of our business we need best resources. A PHP developer has the power to turn the table for your business and hiring best PHP developers can be a tedious process. In this technology driven world, it is important to have exceptional and new ideas and features in your website.
If you are new to the technical field or you need any guidance these tips & tricks may help you to hire the best PHP developers for your business. Here are some points which should be considered when you hire the best PHP developers.
Test communication skills. There is a saying that “Communication is the key to any relationship” and it may be the most important key to the client developer relationship. The developer you are going to hire should be conversant with as many modes as possible like audio, video, text, email, Skype and phone. Being universal language English might be a plus point for a developer.
Don’t ask basic questions. Knowledge test is important to know if you are hiring the person who fits the job well or not. The right approach is to interview the PHP developer but no basic questions. Questions related to history of PHP or the question that can be searched online easily should be avoided. Get a list of questions ready to test the technical prowess. Ask the developer question related to pattern or encryption or his experience with web services.
Focus on the previous experience. While you hire a best PHP developer, you really should know the amount of experience he has gained all his life. If you are hiring a developer from an organization, you always should check their case studies, portfolio and client testimonials and have a word with technical staff and project manager. You can find something that is relevant to your work and it may clear nearly all your doubts.
Attitude towards work. Attitude matters what everyone says. A developer with a positive attitude can make things easy for everyone and the best way to find out the attitude of a PHP developer is to ask them following easy question- From where do you learn new tips and tricks about PHP or Do you attend and technology event or seminar?
Conclusion. You should clear everything before you decide to hire a PHP developer and you should not shy away about clarify anything. You need to know your developer very well to avoid any obscurity in future. You should discuss every detail from cost breakup to terms and conditions to avoid any kind of confusion.
Are you looking for skilled and highly experienced PHP developer, you can reach out to Acropolis team via email at [email protected] or you can call us at +1 716 393 8486. We are also approachable over Whatsapp at +91 9999 8765 94. If you wish to connect with us over Skype, our Skype ID is ‘acropolis.infotech’.
Reference: PHP hiring guide – Toptal